July 3, 2024

In the world of cricket, history is often made by incredible feats of batting, bowling, and fielding. However, some records are etched in the annals of the sport’s history not for moments of brilliance but for unique, uncommon occurrences. Angelo Mathews, a prominent figure in international cricket, recently achieved a peculiar distinction, becoming the first cricketer in history to be out on ‘timed out.’ In this blog post, we’ll delve into the details of this extraordinary incident and its significance in the world of cricket.

The Rare ‘Timed Out’ Dismissal

Cricket enthusiasts around the globe are well-acquainted with various forms of dismissals, such as bowled, caught, lbw, run out, and stumped. However, ‘timed out’ is one of the rarest forms of dismissal and occurs when a new batsman fails to arrive at the crease within the allotted time after the fall of the previous wicket. In Angelo Mathews’ case, this unusual mode of dismissal added an intriguing chapter to cricket history.

The Incident

The historic incident took place during a high-stakes ODI match(ICC men’s cricket world cup 2023) between Sri Lanka and a Bangladesh on 06th, Nov 2023. Angelo Mathews, known for his composure and resilience, was at the center of this unusual occurrence. After the dismissal of a teammate, Mathews was the next designated batsman to walk in. However, he failed to reach the crease within the prescribed timeframe, leading to the umpire raising the dreaded finger, signaling ‘timed out.’ It was an unexpected and astonishing moment, leaving cricket fans in disbelief.

The Significance

Angelo Mathews’ ‘timed out’ dismissal has created quite a buzz in the cricketing world. While this form of dismissal is exceedingly rare, it highlights the importance of adhering to the rules and regulations that govern the sport. It serves as a stark reminder to all cricketers that every aspect of the game, including timely player rotations, must be executed with precision and attention to detail.


Angelo Mathews’ ‘timed out’ dismissal is a testament to the unexpected twists that can occur in the world of cricket. While it might not be a record that any cricketer aspires to achieve, it has etched his name in the history books. This incident serves as a lesson in the importance of precision, discipline, and adhering to the rules of the game, even in high-pressure situations. As cricket fans, we’ll continue to watch the sport with bated breath, knowing that it can always spring surprises and create new records, just as Angelo Mathews did with his historic ‘timed out’ dismissal.

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