June 29, 2024

Fighting Untouchability: Ambedkar dedicated his life to eradicating the practice of untouchability and the caste system. He challenged Hindu orthodoxy and advocated for education, economic independence, political power, and religious conversion as tools for liberation.
Empowering Dalits: Ambedkar established organizations like the “Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha” to promote education and uplift Dalits. He led the temple entry movement in 1930, challenging the religious discrimination faced by Dalits.
Political Participation: Ambedkar formed the Independent Labour Party in 1936 and played a key role in the Round Table Conferences, advocating for the rights of Dalits. He later served as Law Minister in the first independent Indian government.
Embracing Buddhism: Ambedkar and many of his followers converted to Buddhism in 1956, rejecting the discriminatory practices of Hinduism. He found Buddhism’s emphasis on equality and self-reliance more aligned with his vision for a just society.

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