June 29, 2024
  1. Pragmatism as the Driving Force:

Modi emphasizes a “mix-and-match diplomacy” that prioritizes national interest above rigid alliances. This pragmatic approach allows India to engage with diverse nations, navigate complex geopolitical landscapes, and pursue partnerships that align with its goals.

  1. India-US Ties Reaching New Heights:

The Prime Minister paints a promising picture of the India-US relationship, characterizing it as “broader, deeper, and warmer” than ever before. He views this partnership as a force for good in the 21st century, highlighting areas of collaboration like defense manufacturing and space exploration.

  1. Rule of Law and US Concerns:

Addressing the sensitive issue of the alleged Indian involvement in a plot against a Khalistani leader, Modi reiterates India’s commitment to the rule of law and expresses willingness to examine any evidence presented. He assures that isolated incidents won’t derail the positive trajectory of US-India relations.

  1. Global Engagement and Advocacy:

The interview showcases India’s active role on the global stage. From hosting the Voice of the Global South summit to championing the African Union’s G20 membership, India is carving a niche as a voice for developing nations.

  1. Confidence in India’s Future:

Concluding on a confident note, Modi expresses optimism about India’s future, attributing it to the aspirations of its citizens. He believes the country is on the cusp of a major leap and that his fellow citizens want to expedite this progress.

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